Young Filmmakers Contest Celebrates ALL Global Winners on Sept. 17

Young Filmmakers Contest Celebrates ALL Global Winners on Sept. 17

The annual One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest Global Awards Celebration is gearing up to take place at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 17, both in person at the Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State St., and online virtually anywhere in the world. Featuring the top 10 winning films from among 403 submissions, this event is the first with global reach.

Reserve free tickets here:

Historic Win for the Young People of Montana

Historic Win for the Young People of Montana

In August, Judge Kathy Seeley ruled wholly in favor of 16 young plaintiffs, declaring that the state of Montana has and is violating their constitutional rights, including their rights to equal protection, dignity, liberty, health, and safety, which are all predicated on their right to a clean and healthful environment. . . . And the court ruled that the youth plaintiffs had proven their standing to bring the case by showing significant injuries, that the government had a substantial role in causing those injuries, and that a judgment in their favor would change the government’s conduct.

Majamas Earth Hits the Brakes on Fast Fashion

Majamas Earth Hits the Brakes on Fast Fashion

Germaine Caprio launched Majamas Earth in 1999 after designing, patenting, and selling the first nursing tank top to Nordstrom Department Stores. “I thought,” she says, “I could sell one of these to everybody. I dove in, and I wanted to be big, like Lululemon.” So she added other clothing lines, basics for women (including those who are pregnant or nursing), men, and babies. And the business grew.

2023 One Earth Contest Winners Span the Globe

2023 One Earth Contest Winners Span the Globe

Since its inception in 2013, the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest has grown from a local, Oak Park/River Forest, Illinois, project accepting just 12 submissions to a highly competitive international competition garnering 403 submissions. Countries such as Brazil, Australia and Mexico and states such as California, Georgia and Indiana will be represented among this year’s winners at the Global Awards Celebration at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 17, in person at the Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State St., in Chicago, or online virtually anywhere in the world.

Reserve free tickets here:

Historic Youth Climate Trial in Montana: No Miracles Needed

Historic Youth Climate Trial in Montana: No Miracles Needed

Held v. Montana was the first of the youth climate cases to make it past many procedural hurdles over many years and arrive in a trial court in Helena, MT. There, over seven days (June 12-20, 2023), Judge Kathy Seeley heard from the 16 young plaintiffs as well as world-renowned experts, including Dr. Mark Jacobson, on the effects of climate change in the world overall and specifically in Montana—temperatures warming, glaciers melting, rivers drying up, forests burning, air-quality alerts becoming more common.