Toward a Plastic-Free (or Free-er) July

Toward a Plastic-Free (or Free-er) July

My husband and I are pretty highly functioning when it comes to plastic-consciousness/plastic-avoidance: For years, we’ve brought our own reusable bags to the grocery store, and we’ve picked up plastic bottles during our walks so we could put them in the recycling bin. We drink from reusable water bottles. Pre-COVID, when we went to restaurants, we brought our own containers for leftovers. . . . And yet, as I look around my home—at the shampoos and conditioners, moisturizers, dish and laundry soaps, toothbrushes, sun block, the bottle that holds my calcium supplements, the one that holds the Tylenol I took for my headache the night I started thinking about this—I feel daunted at the challenge of living plastic-free.

Rare Prairie's Survival is Threatened: Save Bell Bowl Prairie

Rare Prairie's Survival is Threatened: Save Bell Bowl Prairie

One of the last remaining prairies in Illinois—8,000-year-old Bell Bowl Prairie in Rockford—is slated for destruction as the Chicago Rockford International Airport expands. Bell Bowl is a gravel prairieamong the rarest type of remaining prairie—and it contains some of the most intact and undisturbed natural plant communities found anywhere in the state. If the expansion occurs as the airport currently proposes, then rare, threatened, and endangered species will be destroyed—driven by growth in international shipping and Rockford’s role as a cargo hub for Amazon and UPS.

Young Filmmakers Contest Reveals Passion for Animals and Planet

Young Filmmakers Contest Reveals Passion for Animals and Planet

From manatees to koalas to pangolins, endangered wildlife was a recurring theme among 148 submissions to the 2022 One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest. Students ages 8 to 25 revealed the impact of weather extremes and plastic pollution on people, animals, and the planet, with a new note of urgency about the climate crisis in their short films.

Interview with Julie Winokur, Director of 'The Sacrifice Zone'

Interview with Julie Winokur, Director of 'The Sacrifice Zone'

Q: The Sacrifice Zone. That’s a powerful title. It’s raw. Talk about it.

A: The concept is that we have chosen to sacrifice certain people for the benefit of others. They’re collateral damage. There’s an intentionality to it. Collectively, we’ve decided that it’s okay to put all this toxic industry in certain neighborhoods. And somehow we have the idea that the people who live there don’t care, because if they didn’t like it, they’d move.

Read Xilo's Clean Future Blog

Read Xilo's Clean Future Blog

I like to travel and enjoy taking pictures of my surroundings. Photography has always been a passion of mine along with pursuing a career in nursing. One of my goals is to make a change in the world by sharing issues and letting others know so they can make a difference with me. Writing the Clean Future Blog about environmental issues and reviewing films about pollution help me broaden my knowledge. I hope we all will think about our actions and use our voices.

Announcing. . . Our 2022 One Earth Lineup of Films

Announcing. . . Our 2022 One Earth Lineup of Films

It’s what you’ve been waiting for. . . our 2022 lineup of tide-turning films is here! All screenings are free (with a suggested $8 donation) and open to the public. Seventeen virtual events will screen during the week of March 4-13. If the Omicron surge cooperates, we will be adding up to 15 in-person events—they will be offered at the same times and days as the virtual events.