As you watch the films we’ve selected, you may feel inspired. Motivated to act. Deeply concerned. In awe. Learning how regular people are dealing with both the challenges and opportunities presented by our environmental crisis is eye-opening, informative, and inspiring. That’s no accident. We’ve chosen the best of the best environmental films. So how did we settle on these particular films for the Festival’s lineup?
Chicago Agreement on Climate and Community
Those are the three main goals of the Chicago Agreement on Climate & Community. They are even more relevant just months after the Katowice Climate Change Conference (COP24) in Poland in December 2018, where attendees tried to button down commitments and progress on climate change action from most nations.
Just Confirmed: 17 Filmmakers and Film Subjects Will Do Live or Video Q&As
Here's your chance to see 17 filmmakers and film subjects at 19 events! This year, some filmmakers will visit the Fest in person, and some will interact with the audience through live video Q&As. Either way, their presence is sure to enliven the conversation and enhance your understanding of the issues. Screenings with filmmaker appearances can fill up, so reserve your seat today.
'All in' is 2019 Festival theme
Anthony Bourdain's WASTED! Comes to Oak Park/River Forest
With 40% of all food being wasted in the United States, the Interfaith Green Network, in conjunction with several sustainable organizations in the area, want to help us all become Food Waste Warriors. Two programs are lined up to help us become more aware of the problem of food waste and what we can do about it at home.
Those who didn’t catch the documentary WASTED! at last year’s festival have another chance next month at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22, at Oak Park Library. Doors open at 6 p.m. for this free screening. All ages welcome. Please register here.
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint During the Holidays
Visiting friends or family via airplane this holiday season? Don’t forget to bring Mother Earth a present by offsetting the carbon emissions from your flight.
Carbon offsetting involves financially supporting Earth-friendly projects, such as planting trees or building wind farms, which reduce the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide that your flight generated. Burning jet fuel produces carbon dioxide, one of the harmful greenhouse gases that is causing climate change.